5 Things You Can Do to Prevent Bugs

There are several reasons why bugs can get into your house. Here are a few tips to make it hard for those crawly critters to get in.

  1. Trim back tree branches or shrubbery that touch your house. Shrubs that touch your house are bug “bridges”.
  2. Mulch is pretty but it provides ideal shelter for pests. Using less pest-attractive ground cover such as rock or stone is less pest-attractive ground cover to bugs. Inspect and repair warped or broken doors and windows.
  3. Pests can wiggle through tiny cracks and gaps. Repair rips or tears in screens.
  4. Keep yards, patios, decks, and garages free of trash. Nothing attracts animals and bugs like a free buffet.
  5. Ensure your trash cans have tight-fitting lids and clean the cans and area regularly to remove debris and liquid. This eliminates the pest “food”.

Keep up with your house and the immediate surroundings will greatly reduce your pest problems. If problems persist, it could mean a greater problem. Call us today at 856-768-3330 for a professional solution.

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